Friday, January 28, 2011

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The Case for Social Security Personal Accounts

There are two crises facing Social Security. First the program has a gigantic unfunded liability, largely caused by demographics. Second, the program is a very bad deal for younger workers, making them pay record amounts of tax in exchange for comparatively meager benefits. This video explains how personal accounts can solve both problems, and also notes that nations as varied as Australia, Chile, Sweden, and Hong Kong have implemented this pro-growth reform.

Social Security reform received a good bit of attention in the past two decades. President Clinton openly flirted with the idea, and President Bush explicitly endorsed the concept. But it has faded from the public square in recent years. But this may be about to change. Personal accounts are part of Congressman Paul Ryan’s Roadmap proposal, and recent polls show continued strong support for letting younger workers shift some of their payroll taxes to individual accounts.

Equally important, the American people understand that Social Security’s finances are unsustainable. They may not know specific numbers, but they know politicians have created a house of cards, which is why jokes about the system are so easily understandable.

President Obama thinks the answer is higher taxes, which is hardly a surprise. But making people pay more is hardly an attractive option, unless you’re the type of person who thinks it’s okay to give people a hamburger and charge them for a steak.

Other nations have figured out the right approach. Australia began to implement personal accounts back in the mid-1980s, and the results have been remarkable. The government’s finances are stronger. National saving has increased. But most important, people now can look forward to a safer and more secure retirement. Another great example is Chile, which set up personal accounts in the early 1980s. This interview with Jose Pinera, who designed the Chilean system, is a great summary of why personal accounts are necessary. All told, about 30 nations around the world have set up some form of personal accounts. Even Sweden, which the left usually wants to mimic, has partially privatized its Social Security system.

It also should be noted that personal accounts would be good for growth and competitiveness. Reforming a tax-and-transfer entitlement scheme into a system of private savings will boost jobs by lowering the marginal tax rate on work. Personal accounts also will boost private savings. And Social Security reform will reduce the long-run burden of government spending, something that is desperately needed if we want to avoid the kind of fiscal crisis that is afflicting European welfare states such as Greece.

Last but not least, it is important to understand that personal retirement accounts are not a free lunch. Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system, so if we let younger workers shift their payroll taxes to individual accounts, that means the money won’t be there to pay benefits to current retirees. Fulfilling the government’s promise to those retirees, as well as to older workers who wouldn’t have time to benefit from the new system, will require a lot of money over the next couple of decades, probably more than $5 trillion.

That’s a shocking number, but it’s important to remember that it would be even more expensive to bail out the current system. As I explain at the conclusion of the video, we’re in a deep hole, but it will be easier to climb out if we implement real reform.

I have exciting news this morning. I am launching a campaign to recall Illinois governor Pat Quinn.

This is not a frivolous effort. It is a serious undertaking and one in which I intend to see to the end. It will take hard work and lots of volunteers but we will be successful.

I need volunteers to ...

  • Gather signatures
  • Talk to state legislative representatives to get them on board
  • Provide legal help
  • Design a website
  • Help with advertising

I will pay for website hosting and domain names.

We need to be successful because Governor Quinn has plans that will destroy Illinois.

Massive Tax Hikes Will Drive Businesses Out Of Illinois

The Chicago Tribune reports Governor Quinn has reached a deal with top Democratic lawmakers including Senate President John Cullerton to ....

  • Hike the state income tax by 75%, from 3% to 5.25%
  • Hike the corporate income tax rate by 75% from 4.8% to 8.4%
  • Hike the cigarette tax by $1 a pack
  • Use the tax hikes to borrow more money to fund pension plans

The Tribune notes "As a measure of how desperate state government's finances are, Cullerton said the state would use the income-tax hike to borrow $12.2 billion. Of that, $8.5 billion would pay overdue bills and $3.7 billion would cover a government worker pension payment lawmakers skipped when putting together the current budget, he said."

Raising corporate and personal income taxes to borrow $12.2 billion is not "desperation", it is fiscal insanity. It will drive businesses out of Illinois and push many struggling taxpayers into bankruptcy.

Quinn is unlikely to get all of those measures passed, but it does not matter. Those are his intentions and they they show his blatant incompetence and disregard for both taxpayers and businesses. Moreover, he will try again.

Enough Is Enough

John Tillman at the Illinois Policy Institute says ...
Amazingly, the deal will also hike the corporate income tax rate. Combined with the personal property replacement tax and the federal corporate tax, Illinois would have one of the HIGHEST corporate income tax rates in the world. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out this means bad news for job growth in Illinois.

With high property taxes, high sales taxes and now high income taxes, the flight to low-tax states will only pick up speed.
Enough is enough.
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels On Quinn's Plan

The Illinois Policy Institute is not the only one who thinks Governor Quinn's proposal would be horrid for Illinois. So does Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels according to The Northwest Times of Indiana.
"We already had an edge on Illinois in terms of the cost of doing business, and this is going to make it significantly wider," Daniels said.

The Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan tax research group in Washington, noted if the proposed corporate tax hike becomes law, Illinois businesses will pay the highest combined national-local corporate tax rate in the industrialized world.

That is the wrong course for Illinois to take, Daniels said.

"It does show that you can make very different choices, and the contrast between the choice we've made and the one they have is stark," he said. "Obviously I think ours is wiser, but self-governance means people get what they vote for."
Indeed, people get what they vote for, but how did Quinn win?

Governor Quinn Bought The Election

Governor Quinn barely won the election against a very weak opponent in spite of an amazing 85% vote turnout for Quinn in Chicago. Sadly, Mayor Daley did nothing to stop this, although the mayor is complaining mightily now about the Governor's proposals.

“It’s worth remembering that Governor Quinn only found one program—out of thousands—to veto outright when he signed this year’s spending bill in July. Had he taken a closer look at structural spending reforms and not agreed to politically motivated “no layoff and closure” deals with public employee unions, we could be on the path back to recovery instead of being stuck in ever-mounting debt,” noted John Tillman at the Illinois Policy Institute.

Those "no layoff" agreements bought Quinn votes. So did other union-pandering deals. It did not matter that Illinois could not afford those deals. Quinn did what he could to get elected, taxpayers be damned.

There still is no serious discussion from Quinn as to how to rein in exorbitant taxpayer giveaways to public unions. His only "solution" is to raise taxes.

Four Big States - Four Big Problems

California, Illinois, and New York all have massive fiscal problems. They all have other things in common.

  • Collective Bargaining
  • Prevailing Wage Laws
  • Illinois, California, and New York are NOT "Right to Work" states

In essence, Public unions own Illinois, California, and New York.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is starting to turn things around. Wisconsin and Ohio also have newly elected governors willing to take on public unions.

In Illinois, Governor Quinn remains beholden to public unions, not taxpayers, in spite of massive voter rejections nationally of tax-and-spend policies.

Organized labor contributed mightily to his campaign, and Governor Quinn wants to pay them back. His proposals will do that by taking money out of your pocket so that the public unions get wages and benefits that most taxpayers will never see.

Quinn bought the election, even if barely.

Constitutional Amendment To Recall Governors

Last November, Illinois voters were presented a chance to vote on a constitutional amendment allowing governors to be recalled. I am pleased to report the Illinois Governor Recall Amendment Passes With Two-Thirds Of Vote.
The Illinois constitution was changed last night, with an amendment swept in by a wide margin.

Over two million voters approved a process for the public to recall governors during their term, giving the measure well over the 60 percent of voters required for its passage. The amendment is widely viewed as a reaction to the corruption charges against former Governor Rod Blagojevich.
What Does A Recall Effort Take?

  • A voter has to file an affidavit stating his or her intent to circulate petitions to recall the governor. The affidavit cannot be filed until after the governor has served six months in office.
  • Permission from lawmakers: The affidavit has to include the signatures of 20 members of the Illinois House and 10 members of the Illinois Senate. Half of the signatures from lawmakers have to be from Democrats and half from Republicans.
  • Petitioners have to gather signatures equal to 15 percent of the number of people who voted in the last gubernatorial election.
  • Of those signatures, organizers would have to get at least 100 signatures in each of at least 25 different counties. Petitioners would have 150 days to get them and the State Board of Elections would have 100 days to certify them.
  • When would the recall election be held? No later than 100 days after the State Board of Elections certifies the signatures.
  • Passage: A majority of voters have to vote to recall the governor in order for him or her to be removed.
  • Who becomes governor: If the governor is recalled, the lieutenant governor becomes acting governor until a special election is held. If there is no lieutenant governor, the attorney general becomes acting governor. If there is no attorney general, the secretary of state becomes acting governor.
  • Special election: A special election to select a new governor has to be held within 60 days if the governor is recalled. That process starts on the day of the recall election if multiple candidates from the same political party file for the office. If that’s the case, a special primary election would be held on the same day of the recall election. Candidates must gather 5,000 signatures in order to run in the special election. The new governor will serve for the unexpired portion of the recalled governor’s term.
  • The Better Government has noted that nothing in the amendment prevents the recalled governor from running in the special election after he or she is recalled. It also noted that the amendment does not require grounds for recall.

The above bullet points are from the State Journal Register.

Note that the amendment does not require grounds for a recall, but we have them: Blatant fiscal incompetence and vote buying.

The state House of Representatives consists of 118 representatives elected from individual legislative districts for a two-year term with no limits. The Illinois Senate is consists of 59 senators with staggered two- or four-year terms.

Thus, getting approval from 20 members of the Illinois House and 10 members of the Illinois Senate (half from Democrats and half from Republicans) is not a prohibitive task.

Governor Quinn Supports Recalls

It is a fitting sense of irony that Governor Quinn Trumpets Recalls.

"I think the ultimate way to get ethics in Illinois is have the power of recall in our constitution," Quinn said.

I could not possibly agree more with Governor Quinn. It is perhaps the only major political stance he has taken that I can endorse 100%.

Will You Stand Up To The Injustice?

We have to wait six months to file, but there is no sense in waiting. There are many tasks to be performed and I will need volunteers from every county to gather signatures. I estimate we need about 520,000 signatures. My goal is to get 700,000.

If you can volunteer, time, web design, advertising, legal help, or any kind of general assistance, I would appreciate it. We need to put a stop to Quinn's proposals that will drive businesses and jobs out of the state and massively raise your taxes as part of the bargain.

Please email Recall Governor Pat Quinn Today ( and lend your support to the effort to save the state of Illinois from Quinn's fiscal recklessness. Please let me know what you can do to help.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.


<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.


<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.


<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.


<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.


<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.



<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.

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<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.

eric seiger

<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.

eric seiger

<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.

eric seiger

<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.

eric seiger

<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.

eric seiger

<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.

eric seiger
eric seiger

<b>News</b> Corp. chief James Murdoch wants to toss the newspaper onto <b>...</b>

James Murdoch is the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. And he's the son of Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who created the far-flung media empire that includes everything from Fox Broadcasting to the Wall Street Journal. ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.

Guestview: Editorial independence and an ecumenical <b>news</b> agency <b>...</b>

The ecumenical news agency ENInews has been scaled back and may face more cuts as its budget shrinks.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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Money Making

That’s just showing off.

The Fed released its preliminary 2010 results on Monday and they show a hum-dinging whopper of a “profit”. From the release:

The Federal Reserve Board on Monday announced preliminary unaudited results indicating that the Reserve Banks provided for payments of approximately $78.4 billion of their estimated 2010 net income of $80.9 billion to the U.S. Treasury. This represents a $31.0 billion increase in payments to the U.S. Treasury over 2009 ($47.4 billion of $53.4 billion of net income). The increase was due primarily to increased interest income earned on securities holdings during 2010.

These are the fruits of the Fed’s open market operation labours, which netted it $76.1 billion in income through securities transactions. Here are some examples; Hank Greenberg might want to look away now:

$7.1 billion in net income from consolidated limited liability companies (LLCs), which were created in response to the financial crisis; $2.1 billion in interest income from credit extended to American International Group, Inc.; $1.3 billion of dividends on preferred interests in AIA Aurora LLC and ALICO Holdings LLC; and $0.8 billion in interest income on loans extended under the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) and loans to depository institutions.

Now, the Fed turning a healthy dime ain’t anything new, and this income will make but a dent in the deficit, but as you can see from this chart, 2010 was a record year:

Makes you wonder why analysts are struggling to see above-average returns from financials in 2011.

Related link:

The increasing frequency of the Fed’s POMOs – FT Alphaville

Chatroulette found itself with a surplus of naked men, so founder Andrey Ternovskiy figured out how to get rid of them while turning a profit.

TechCrunch crunched the numbers and found that 89% of Chatroulette users are male, and 1 in 8 chats on the site contain material that would be at least rated R (read: naked people). That might account for the site's sharp drop in traffic. 18 year old founder Andrey Ternovskiy turned naked men into money, telling Fast Company, "Everyday, about 50,000 new men are trying to get naked. What we're doing is selling the naked men to a couple of websites."

Here's how it works. Users on Chatroulette can now control the content they receive by flagging chat partners as displaying inappropriate content. Once a user receives a certain amount of flags, they're banned from the site for forty minutes. Instead of just kicking the offending user off the site, Chatroulette redirects them to an adult website; the adult site, in turn, pays Chatroulette for the referral.

When Chatroulette first came on the scene, Ternovskiy was besieged with offers to buy the innovative site, and turned them all down. The offers dropped off with the drop in traffic, but the content control system has already yielded positive results. The rerouting of naked men has also made Chatroulette about $100,000 a month.

Source: Fast Company, via Geek

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Blackpool skipper Charlie Adam ready to go to war <b>...</b>

Charlie Adam is poised to tell the Seasiders that he wants out, worried the Anfield move may pass him by.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/24 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Another super thin day for Kansas City Chiefs news. There are quite a few hits on the Hali & Berry to Pro Bowl story, but they are all basically the same info. Here are your two stories... Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Making Money Job

John Rubino at Dollar obviously thinks, like I do, that inflation is a Terrible, Terrible Thing (TTT).

To prove it, and to simultaneously prove to my wife, kids, relatives, co-workers and neighbors that I am not the “weirdest man who ever lived” as concerns inflation, I call him up on the phone!

A man whom I assume is Mr. Rubino answers, “Hello?” and I say, “John! John, old buddy, old pal! This is Mogambo, calling to verify that you are scared out of your freaking mind about how inflation is rising all around the world because central banks, similarly all around the world, are creating more and more money, which causes inflation in prices, which is made worse for foreigners by us dumbass Americans having a trade deficit of over $600 billion a year, equaling a third of combined global trade deficits, which means that we are buying actual things from foreigners and exporting $600 billion dollars overseas, increasing their money supplies and thus increasing their inflation in prices, meaning that we should be buying gold and silver with fevered abandon, and how the usual reaction to impending starvation by the masses is such that we should be building fortresses in our backyards, bristling with guns and cannons, and maybe some of those cool Agent 007 James Bond devices like, you know, smoke screens, ejector seats, laser beams, and heat-seeking rockets, because (my voice rising to crescendo) We’re Freaking Doomed (WFD) thanks to the foul Federal Reserve creating so, so, so much freaking much money that it boggles the mind (‘boing!’) to even contemplate a Quantitative Easing II to effect an increase in the US money supply (to monetize government debt, no less!) of a whopping $600 billion in the next six months, of which half will end up overseas in the accounts of foreigners thanks to the trade deficit, who will use the money to buy US assets, thus repatriating the cash back to the USA to do its inflationary havoc whilst we strangely export the ownership of means of production to what I assume are sinister foreign forces, probably aligned with Illuminati conspirators, New World Order bozos, rogue government agents, extraterrestrial forces, Satan, or something. I mean, who really knows?”

He then replies, tellingly, “What? Who?” whereupon the line abruptly went dead, also proving that the CIA and/or the FBI and/or unknown government agents and/or aliens from outer space are not only tapping my telephone, but doing a poor job of it, too!

Anyway, I think Mr. Rubino’s position is clear when he headlines his recent essay “‘Bring us Sugar!’ US Inflation And the Rest of the World”, with the rest of the essay being about inflation breaking out all over the place!

And if there is one thing that a Junior Mogambo Ranger (JMR) knows, it is to buy gold and silver when inflation is rising, as it is, and will, because the Federal Reserve is creating lots and lots of money, which means, as proved 100% reliable by 4,500 years of history, that inflation in prices is Super Freaking Guaranteed (SFG), and the higher the increase in the money supply, the higher the inflation.

And, by that selfsame 4,500 years, it’s also proved that gold and silver will soar in value as all else Turns To Crap (TTC).

And with that kind of guaranteed and easy decision-making, what can you say except, “Whee! This investing stuff is easy!”?

The Mogambo Guru

for The Daily Reckoning

Economic Ruination from Money Creation to Price Inflation originally appeared in the Daily Reckoning. The Daily Reckoning, offers a uniquely refreshing, perspective on the global economy, investing, gold, stocks and today's markets. Its been called "the most entertaining read of the day."

As you may have noticed, the NYT put up a long article about whether it's worth it to go to law school — whether it's a good investment. The article begins with an anecdote about a young man with $250,000 in student loans and compares his situation to that of a person who bought an expensive house and has a big mortgage loan to pay off. Of course, education is different from a house. You can sell the house, but you keep your education in your head.

Both the house and the education may turn out to be worth less than you paid, but the present-day value of a house has to do with what someone else is willing to pay to take it off your hands. You don't sell your education to someone else. You try to get a job. When you buy a house, you have some expectations about how the market price will change over time. When you get an education you have expectations about what kinds of jobs you may be able to get with it. But so much depends on you. You have to have absorb and process the material the school teaches, you need to present yourself appropriately in interviews, and, once you get the job, you have to perform well. Your services are the product. The education was part of making your services worth buying in the job market. But no one ever purchases your education from you.

Now, why focus on law schools? People buy all sorts of education. It's expensive. And students major in plenty of subjects that are far less likely to result in jobs. Here's where we get to the real meat of the article: Do the law schools trick students into thinking they are buying a bigger boost in the job market than they're really going to get? And it's the old U.S. News and World Report problem. As schools vie for higher ranking, they do what they can to produce statistics that factor into the calculation, and one thing is the percentage of "graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation." Law schools today report an average of 93%, which is 9% more than back in 1997, even though everyone knows the job market for law grads has gotten much worse.

Another statistic that counts in the rankings is median starting salary:

Many schools, even those that have failed to break into the U.S. News top 40, state that the median starting salary of graduates in the private sector is $160,000. That seems highly unlikely, given that Harvard and Yale, at the top of the pile, list the exact same figure....
That is to say, the U.S. News rankings are, on their face, unbelievable.

So the glut of diplomas, the dearth of jobs and those candy-coated employment statistics have now yielded a crop of furious young lawyers who say they mortgaged their future under false pretenses. You can sample their rage, and their admonitions, on what are known as law school scam blogs, with names like Shilling Me Softly, Subprime JD and Rose Colored Glasses.

“Avoid this overpriced sewer pit as if your life depended on it,” writes the anonymous author of the blog Third Tier Reality — a reference to the second-to-bottom tier of the U.S. News rankings — in a typically scatological review. “Unless, of course, you think that you will be better off with $110k-$190k in NON-DISCHARGEABLE debt for a degree that qualifies you to wait tables at the Battery Park Bar and Lounge.”

But so far, the warnings have been unheeded. Job openings for lawyers have plunged, but law schools are not dialing back enrollment.... Apparently, there is no shortage of 22-year-olds who think that law school is the perfect place to wait out a lousy economy and the gasoline that fuels this system — federally backed student loans — is still widely available. 
It's important for prospective students to know what they're getting into. But are they being tricked into thinking it will be easy to become a lawyer, make a lot of money, and love your job too? I don't think so. The bad economy has made the odds worse, but students aren't fools. The NYT focuses on one particular individual, who seems to have been especially unrealistic. (You can go to the article to see the details on this one guy. I don't know why he was chosen as the star of the article.) I think most students do think hard about taking on loans and training for the legal profession. You've got to search for the truth and think hard about where your decisions will lead you and if you want to go there.

Quite aside from the economic issues, many people go to law school only to figure out they don't like being a lawyer. But you have to do something in life. What will it be? What else are you going to do? For far too many young people, law school seems like a specific, sensible choice. Three years of education, and you will be highly qualified for a wide array of respectable jobs. If you're reasonably smart and hard working, you will get through it. But it's not a magic ticket to affluence and prestige.

My advice: Know what you're doing! Think!


Schneier on Security: More Stuxnet <b>News</b>

January 17, 2011. More Stuxnet News. This long New York Times article includes some interesting revelations. The article claims that Stuxnet was a joint Israeli-American project, and that its effectiveness was tested on live equipment: ...

Arnold Schwarzenegger set to make Hollywood comeback as a nice <b>...</b>

Look out, Hollywood. Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has a warning for.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Feline Jury Duty - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Feline Jury Duty.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Making Money Program

By Lindsay Beyerstein, Media Consortium blogger

Meet the new global elite. They're pretty much the same as the old global elite, only richer and more smug.

Laura Flanders of GritTV interviews business reporter Chrystia Freeland about her cover story in the latest issue of the Atlantic Monthly on the new ruling class. She says that today's ultra-rich are more likely to have earned their fortunes in Silicon Valley or on Wall Street than previous generations of plutocrats, who were more likely to have inherited money or established companies.

As a result, she argues, today's global aristocracy believes itself to be the product of a meritocracy. The old sense of noblesse oblige among the ultra-rich is giving way to the attitude that if the ultra-rich could do it, everyone else should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Ironically, Freeland points out that many of the new elite got rich from government bailouts of their failed banks. It's unclear why this counts as earning one's fortune, or what kind of meritocracy reserves its most lavish rewards for its most spectacular failures.

Class warfare on public sector pensions

In The Nation, Eric Alterman assails the Republican-controlled Congress's decision to scrap the popular and effective Build America Bonds program as an act of little-noticed class warfare:

These bonds, which make up roughly 20 percent of all new debt sold by states and local governments because of a federal subsidy equivalent to some 35 percent of interest costs, ended on December 31, as Republicans proved unwilling even to consider renewing them. The death of the program could prove devastating to states' future borrowing.

Alterman notes that the states could face up to $130 billion shortfall next year. States can't deficit spend like the federal government, which made the Build America Bonds program a lifeline to the states.

According to Alterman, Republicans want the states to run out of money so that they will be unable to pay the pensions of public sector workers. He notes that Reps. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI) are also co-sponsoring a bill to force state and local governments to "recalculate" their pension obligations to public sector workers.

Divide and conquer

Kari Lydersen of Working In These Times explains how conservatives use misleading statistics to pit private sector workers against their brothers and sisters in the public sector. If the public believes that teachers, firefighters, meter readers and snowplow drivers are parasites, they'll feel more comfortable yanking their pensions out from under them.

Hence the misleading statistic that public sector workers earn $11.90 more per hour than "comparable" private sector workers. However, when you take education and work experience into account, employees of state and local governments typically earn 11% to 12% less than private sector workers with comparable qualifications.

Public sector workers have better benefits plans, but only for as long as governments can afford to keep their contractual obligations.

Who's screwing whom?

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich is calling for a sense of perspective on public sector wages and benefits. In AlterNet he argues that the people who are really making a killing in this economy are the ultra-rich, not school teachers and garbage collectors:

Public servants are convenient scapegoats. Republicans would rather deflect attention from corporate executive pay that continues to rise as corporate profits soar, even as corporations refuse to hire more workers. They don't want stories about Wall Street bonuses, now higher than before taxpayers bailed out the Street. And they'd like to avoid a spotlight on the billions raked in by hedge-fund and private-equity managers whose income is treated as capital gains and subject to only a 15 percent tax, due to a loophole in the tax laws designed specifically for them.

Signs of hope?

The economic future looks pretty bleak these days. Yes, the unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% from 9.8% in December, but the economy added only 103,000, a far cry from the 300,000 jobs economists say the economy really needs to add to pull the country out its economic doldrums.

Andy Kroll points out in Mother Jones that it will take 20 years to replace the jobs lost in this recession, if current trends continue.

Worse yet, what looks like job growth could actually be chronic unemployment in disguise. The unemployment rate is calculated based on the number of people who are actively looking for work. Kroll worries that the apparent drop in the unemployment rate could simply reflect more people giving up their job searches.

For an counterweight to the doom and gloom, check out Tim Fernholtz's new piece in The American Prospect. He argues that the new unemployment numbers are among several hopeful signs for economic recovery in 2011. However, he stresses that his self-proclaimed rosy forecast is contingent upon avoiding several huge pitfalls, including drastic cuts in public spending.

With the GOP in Congress seemingly determined to starve the states for cash, the future might not be so rosy after all.

This post features links to the best independent, progressive reporting about the economy by members of The Media Consortium. It is free to reprint. Visit the Audit for a complete list of articles on economic issues, or follow us on Twitter. And for the best progressive reporting on critical economy, environment, health care and immigration issues, check out The Mulch, The Pulse and The Diaspora. This is a project of The Media Consortium, a network of leading independent media outlets.

The big news out of a majority of state capitols is that Obamacare’s Medicaid mandates will exacerbate state budget problems and drive many states to the brink of insolvency.

Thirty-three Republican governors and governors-elect have signed a letter to the White House and Congress making an emphatic appeal that Obamacare’s Medicaid provisions be repealed.

Medicaid pays health care and long-term care expenses for certain categories of individuals. Medicaid has many problems, but the central one is that it costs taxpayers nearly $400 billion annually without providing recipients a high quality of care.

National spending on Medicaid has more than quintupled over the past two decades, and about 16 percent of the population is currently enrolled. A recent study from the University of Virginia found that Medicaid patients have worse surgical outcomes than individuals without insurance. Despite these problems, Obamacare relies heavily on the Medicaid program to reduce the number of individuals without health insurance.

Obamacare’s Medicaid mandates include a requirement that states maintain current program eligibility along with a required Medicaid expansion that is expected to increase national enrollment by around 20 million. If a state reduces eligibility for Medicaid, it will lose all its federal support for the program, which is at least half of every state’s Medicaid spending. This means a state would lose the federal tax contributions its taxpayers send to Washington that eventually return to the state in the form of Medicaid reimbursement.

“States are unable to afford the current Medicaid program, yet our hands are tied by the maintenance of effort (MOE) requirements,” the governors wrote. “The effect of the federal requirements is unconscionable; the federal requirements force governors to cut other critical state programs, such as education, in order to fund a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to Medicaid. Again, we ask you to lift the MOE requirements so that states may make difficult budget decisions in ways that reflect the needs of their residents.”

Although the letter was signed by only Republicans, Medicaid is at least as much of a concern in blue states. For example, the new governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has proposed cutting $4 billion of projected spending on Medicaid (this savings will be split between the state and the federal government) to help close a $10 billion budget gap.

How will states reduce Medicaid spending, given that they are prevented from reducing program eligibility? There are two primary options: (1) reduce provider payment rates, and (2) cut program benefits. Almost all states have undertaken these actions over the past several years. Reducing payment rates decreases the number of providers who accept Medicaid recipients. Cuts to Medicaid benefits, which are often more generous than those offered by private insurance, have also occurred. The combination of these cuts will likely reduce quality of care and increase the number of recipients who head to emergency rooms for basic care.

Of course, states could keep their Medicaid programs in tact and take the scalpel to other budget items, such as education, transportation, or law enforcement, which are also being cut in many states. Or they could dramatically increase state taxes. How do these options sound?

The one option that should be off the table is a continuance of the federal Medicaid bailout, which was enacted as part of the February 2009 stimulus bill. This provision greatly increased the federal contribution toward state Medicaid spending and disproportionately benefited states with the most bloated programs. The country cannot afford to further increase the national deficit to fund the broken Medicaid entitlement. Instead of throwing more money at Medicaid, policymakers at the federal and state level should grapple with its structural problems.

Medicaid is desperately in need of reform at the federal and state levels, not expansion. States have different characteristics and priorities and need greater flexibility to tailor the Medicaid program to their own specifications. This is true of states with Republican and Democratic governors. This Congress should seriously consider the immediate budgetary concerns of the states as well as structural reforms that would improve care for beneficiaries and reduce taxpayer burden in the longer term. In fact, states should also demand greater flexibility from the federal government in terms of eligibility, benefits, cost sharing, and overall administration and management.

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Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

Obama&#39;s Tucson Speech Fails To Accommodate Cable <b>News&#39;s</b> Attention <b>...</b>

Did you watch the memorial service in Tucson last night? It sure seemed to me to be a cavalcade of statemanship -- presidents of nations and universities and student bodies, governors new and old, political figures on the left and right ...

Giffords&#39; Eye Opening <b>News</b> - Political Punch

President Obama's dramatic news at last night's memorial service in Tucson that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' has just minutes before opened her left eye for the first time since the shooting has created some confusion in light of news from ...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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SilverRock is one of the reputation newest and best public courses in the Palm Springs area. Long been known as the "Golf Capital of the World," Palm Springs and the neighboring cities of La Quinta, Rancho Mirage, Indian Wells and Palm Desert boast over 160 golf courses.
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There is also water on the second, sixth and eighteenth that require well placed approach and fairway shots.
The PGA recently inked a deal with SilverRock making it one of the host courses for the annual Bob Hope Chrysler Classic. So not only is the course, scenic and challenging while playing you can imagine yourself teeing it with Tiger and Phil.

<b>News</b> Corp considers MySpace sale, what happened? - Lost Remote

After slashing 47% of its staff earlier this week, News Corp is considering selling the struggling MySpace, among other strategic options, Bloomberg reports. MySpace relaunched as an entertainment hub in October, ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Sarah Palin Appearing On Sean Hannity&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Show Monday (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin will give her first interview since the Arizona shootings--and her controversial "blood libel" video--to Fox News' Sean Hannity. Palin will appear on "Hannity" on Monday, Jan. 17.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Making Money System

The Case for Social Security Personal Accounts

There are two crises facing Social Security. First the program has a gigantic unfunded liability, largely caused by demographics. Second, the program is a very bad deal for younger workers, making them pay record amounts of tax in exchange for comparatively meager benefits. This video explains how personal accounts can solve both problems, and also notes that nations as varied as Australia, Chile, Sweden, and Hong Kong have implemented this pro-growth reform.

Social Security reform received a good bit of attention in the past two decades. President Clinton openly flirted with the idea, and President Bush explicitly endorsed the concept. But it has faded from the public square in recent years. But this may be about to change. Personal accounts are part of Congressman Paul Ryan’s Roadmap proposal, and recent polls show continued strong support for letting younger workers shift some of their payroll taxes to individual accounts.

Equally important, the American people understand that Social Security’s finances are unsustainable. They may not know specific numbers, but they know politicians have created a house of cards, which is why jokes about the system are so easily understandable.

President Obama thinks the answer is higher taxes, which is hardly a surprise. But making people pay more is hardly an attractive option, unless you’re the type of person who thinks it’s okay to give people a hamburger and charge them for a steak.

Other nations have figured out the right approach. Australia began to implement personal accounts back in the mid-1980s, and the results have been remarkable. The government’s finances are stronger. National saving has increased. But most important, people now can look forward to a safer and more secure retirement. Another great example is Chile, which set up personal accounts in the early 1980s. This interview with Jose Pinera, who designed the Chilean system, is a great summary of why personal accounts are necessary. All told, about 30 nations around the world have set up some form of personal accounts. Even Sweden, which the left usually wants to mimic, has partially privatized its Social Security system.

It also should be noted that personal accounts would be good for growth and competitiveness. Reforming a tax-and-transfer entitlement scheme into a system of private savings will boost jobs by lowering the marginal tax rate on work. Personal accounts also will boost private savings. And Social Security reform will reduce the long-run burden of government spending, something that is desperately needed if we want to avoid the kind of fiscal crisis that is afflicting European welfare states such as Greece.

Last but not least, it is important to understand that personal retirement accounts are not a free lunch. Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system, so if we let younger workers shift their payroll taxes to individual accounts, that means the money won’t be there to pay benefits to current retirees. Fulfilling the government’s promise to those retirees, as well as to older workers who wouldn’t have time to benefit from the new system, will require a lot of money over the next couple of decades, probably more than $5 trillion.

That’s a shocking number, but it’s important to remember that it would be even more expensive to bail out the current system. As I explain at the conclusion of the video, we’re in a deep hole, but it will be easier to climb out if we implement real reform.

Not really. TD has always said that piracy is against the law. What Mike and others often aregue, is that the laws should be changed in favour of the consumers, not faceless megacorps.

I think you're right in that TD often encourages more sane laws in favor of the public vs corporations, but as far as piracy goes, my take on the TD line is that legality is a non-issue now that technology makes it hard NOT to copy something, what's important is finding a way to make money in spite of it. Pragmatism is the name of the game.

Now the *comments* on TD run all over the map. There's a lot of soft endorsement of illegal distribution, along with people who are outright loud about it. There are people who seem to think that artists are lazy chumps who want a free ride, and people who apparently have a problem with anyone exercising any legal muscle. Luckily there are some dissenting voices of reason, who are neither "IP Maximalists" nor "Freetards". (All these phrases and sloganeering are dumb as hell and only serve to trivialize how complicated these issues really are. "Pooperty" anyone? Let's cut out this ad campaign for issues and appeal to people through their reason and intellect)

I do kind of wish they would bring in some writers with more varied opinions. For instance, I agree with the criticism that TD loves to dispense business advice for musicians without any real clear idea of what goes into a musical career. The complicated web of credits and legalities that go into bringing multiple creative people together with their own input to and ownership of a project (We're not all solo artists!), the insane logistics of performing on a consistent basis and taking it on the road, the idea that fans just buy the hell out of merch, the notion that the internet has made distribution *easier* (it's not, it's *cheaper*, but only to get started), and the idea that grass roots projects can "bubble up" to the surface without a professional PR push and management team (Amanda Palmer works with a publicist and several managers, besides the fact she's "married" to Neil Gaiman, one of the most popular writers of the last 20 years. She's not a model for future musicians). But the reality is that even a no name blogger is pitched music by major labels every day, so not having a professional management/publicist team to pitch you, more importantly to give you legitimacy, means your emails most likely will never be opened.

Now, it is true that some artists will in fact bubble up, but it's mostly going to be boring mid-level talent with an interesting story behind them. Meh. I'd trade a thousand Susan Boyles/Ted Williams/Homeless Flavor of the Month for just one Jim Croce or Leonard Cohen.

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Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

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Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

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Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

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Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

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Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

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Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Top <b>news</b> stories in China 2010

A Sinica podcast and lists from the Chinese media and Internet of the top news stories of 2010, year of the Tiger.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz <b>...</b>

Joseph and Vlad, the victims in the violent home invasion earlier this week, spoke to the Mercury News on Friday on the condition that their last names not be used. They told publicly for the first time their terrified, ...